Azken bidalketak
- Valentziar Erkidegoan Atez Atekoa sustatzen duten udalen elkartea sortu dute
- OEITeko medikuek Asensio diputatuaren dimisioa eskatu dute, ETBn esandako irainengatik
- Aurrekoetxea doktorea, erraustegia justifikatu duena, Jaurlaritzako Osasun Publikoko zuzendari
- “Kazetariok: ondo informatu erraustegiaz” eskatu dute Rikardo Arregi Sarietan
- Ikerlan berria Britainia Handian: erraustegien karbono isurketa erraldoiak eta horien koste pagatu gabeak
Iruzkin berriak
- Iker(e)k Erraustegien aurkako protestak Bilbon atzo, Lasarte-Orian gaur eta asteburuan Zubietan bidalketan
- Mertxe Larrea(e)k Marseillako erraustegi inguruko elikagaietan ere dioxina topatu dute bidalketan
- Juan mari Iriondo(e)k Pisan (Italia) alarma piztu da bere erraustegiak minbiziak eragin dituela frogatu dutenean bidalketan
- Alberto M(e)k Pisan (Italia) alarma piztu da bere erraustegiak minbiziak eragin dituela frogatu dutenean bidalketan
- Tere(e)k Pisan (Italia) alarma piztu da bere erraustegiak minbiziak eragin dituela frogatu dutenean bidalketan
- 2018(e)ko azaroa
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- 2018(e)ko apirila
- 2018(e)ko martxoa
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- 2017(e)ko abendua
- 2017(e)ko azaroa
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- 2017(e)ko iraila
- 2017(e)ko abuztua
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- 2017(e)ko ekaina
- 2017(e)ko maiatza
- 2017(e)ko apirila
- 2017(e)ko martxoa
- 2017(e)ko otsaila
- 2017(e)ko urtarrila
- 2016(e)ko abendua
- 2016(e)ko azaroa
- 2016(e)ko urria
- 2016(e)ko iraila
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- 2016(e)ko apirila
- 2016(e)ko martxoa
- 2016(e)ko otsaila
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- 2015(e)ko abendua
- 2015(e)ko azaroa
- 2015(e)ko urria
- 2015(e)ko iraila
- 2015(e)ko abuztua
- 2015(e)ko uztaila
- 2015(e)ko ekaina
- 2015(e)ko maiatza
- 2015(e)ko apirila
- 2015(e)ko martxoa
- 2015(e)ko otsaila
- 2015(e)ko urtarrila
- 2014(e)ko abendua
- 2014(e)ko azaroa
- 2014(e)ko urria
- 2014(e)ko iraila
- 2014(e)ko abuztua
- 2014(e)ko uztaila
- 2014(e)ko ekaina
- 2014(e)ko maiatza
- 2014(e)ko apirila
- 2014(e)ko martxoa
- 2014(e)ko otsaila
- 2014(e)ko urtarrila
- 2013(e)ko abendua
- 2013(e)ko azaroa
- 2013(e)ko urria
- 2013(e)ko iraila
- 2013(e)ko abuztua
- 2013(e)ko uztaila
- 2013(e)ko ekaina
- 2013(e)ko maiatza
- 2013(e)ko apirila
- 2013(e)ko martxoa
- 2013(e)ko otsaila
- 2013(e)ko urtarrila
- 2012(e)ko abendua
- 2012(e)ko azaroa
- 2012(e)ko urria
- 2012(e)ko iraila
- 2012(e)ko abuztua
- 2012(e)ko uztaila
- 2012(e)ko ekaina
- 2012(e)ko maiatza
- 2012(e)ko apirila
- 2012(e)ko martxoa
- 2012(e)ko otsaila
- 2012(e)ko urtarrila
- 2011(e)ko abendua
- 2011(e)ko azaroa
- 2011(e)ko urria
- 2011(e)ko iraila
- 2011(e)ko maiatza
- 2011(e)ko apirila
- 2011(e)ko martxoa
- 2011(e)ko otsaila
- 2011(e)ko urtarrila
- 2010(e)ko abendua
- 2010(e)ko azaroa
- 2010(e)ko urria
- 2010(e)ko iraila
- 2010(e)ko abuztua
- 2010(e)ko uztaila
- 2010(e)ko ekaina
- 2010(e)ko maiatza
- 2010(e)ko martxoa
- 2010(e)ko otsaila
- 2010(e)ko urtarrila
- 2009(e)ko abendua
- 2009(e)ko azaroa
- 2009(e)ko urria
- 2009(e)ko uztaila
- 2009(e)ko ekaina
- 2009(e)ko martxoa
- 2009(e)ko otsaila
- 2008(e)ko abendua
- 2008(e)ko azaroa
- 2008(e)ko urria
- 2008(e)ko iraila
- 2008(e)ko abuztua
- 2008(e)ko uztaila
- 2008(e)ko ekaina
- 2008(e)ko maiatza
- 2008(e)ko apirila
- 2008(e)ko martxoa
- 2008(e)ko otsaila
- 2008(e)ko urtarrila
- 2007(e)ko abendua
- 2007(e)ko azaroa
- 2007(e)ko urria
- 2007(e)ko iraila
- 2007(e)ko uztaila
- 2007(e)ko ekaina
- 2007(e)ko maiatza
- 2007(e)ko apirila
- 2007(e)ko martxoa
- 2007(e)ko otsaila
- 2007(e)ko urtarrila
- 201(e)ko iraila
- 201(e)ko uztaila
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Irailaren 15-18an, errauste planten kontrako erakundeen munduko biltzarra Hondarribian
Atalak: Errausketa
Irailaren 15etik 18ra Hondarribian bere Hirugarren Mundu Biltzarra egingo du GAIA erakundeak. GAIA siglen esanahia bikoitza da: “Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives” eta “Global Anti-Incinerator
Alliance”. Berak biltzen ditu mundu osoan errauste planten kontra borrokatzen ari diren mugimenduak, eta koordinatzaile horrek Gipuzkoan egingo duen mundu batzarraren antolakizunak Ekologistak Martxan elkartearen ardurapean egingo dira.
Albistea One World Net gunean zabaldu da, eta bertan hitzok ipini dituzte Ekologistak Martxan taldekoen ahotan: “GAIAren biltzarra iruditzen zaigu aukera handia izango dela guretzako, zeren eta errauste plantaren kontrako mugimendua sendotuko baitu, eta era berean lagunduko du barreiatzen guk aurkezten ditugun ideiak, argudio tekniko eta zientifikoak finkatuz, eta guzti horengatik iritzi publikoarengan eragin handia edukiko duela”. Biltzarrerako izena emateko epea (hemen) zabalik
dago, eta GAIA erakundeak bermatu du mundu osotik gutxienez 100 parte hartzaile iritsiko dela Hondarribiara.
Irakurri albistea osorik ingelesez:
Register for Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance meet
Dear GAIA Members and Friends,
As a follow up to our last announcement, we are delighted to reconfirm that our 3rd GAIA Global Meeting (GGM) will take place on September 15 to 18, 2007 in Hondarribia, in the Basque province of Guipuzkoa (also spelled Gipuzkoa), Spain.
We are pleased to provide you with more information on what promises to be an inspiring and reinvigorating convergence for the GAIA family from all continents. We encourage everyone to arrive in Spain by September 14 and leave on the 19th.
The venue for our GGM 2007 is the coastal city of Hondarribia (or Fuenterrabía in Spanish), in the Basque province of Guipuzkoa, Spain, right in the border with France. This quiet city, which combines the beautiful coastal scene with ancient buildings, hosts the San Sebastian International Airport. It is 20 kilometers away from San Sebastian/Donostia city.
Our host in Hondarribia will be the Ekologistak Martxan, a local member of the national grassroots federation Ecologists in Action. Ekologistak Martxan is an association of people whose vision is guided by social environmentalism. Our host is actively involved in the “ Donostia Bizirik ” a broad citizens’ movement against a waste incineration in Guipuzkoa.
In their words: “We see the GAIA meeting as a big opportunity because we believe it can strengthen the movement against the waste incinerator, as well as disseminate the ideas we present, consolidate the technical-scientific arguments, and therefore have influence in the public opinion.” For more information in Spanish or Euskara, the language spoken by the Basque people, please go to
Regional consultations are being planned prior to the GGM to gather members’ inputs into the meeting’s agenda, including issues, campaigns and projects that we can collab
We already had consultation meetings at the Waste Not Asia conference in Kerala, India and in South Africa at a conference organized by groundwork in Johannesburg. In US, GAIA is bringing together some 50 activists for a meeting in the city of Hartford in Connecticut, Massachusetts on 11-13 June 2007 to discuss issues that groups can work together. There are plans to consult with members in other regions via conference calls or actual meetings.
Another venue for members’ participation in shaping the content and direction of the GGM is through the Planning List. To date, the Planning List has 35 participants from 14 countries. To subscribe,
please log on to:
We anticipate at least 100 participants from around the globe to gather for our GGM. Due to the limited space and funds available, we encourage you to sign up early. Obtaining a visa to the European Union will be a time-consuming and challenging for residents of many countries. We strongly urge you to register by July 1 so that the visa process can be started as soon as possible. In the meantime, lease contact the Embassy of Spain in your country for the visa application requirements.
Please fill out the registration form at
Kindly note that participants are expected to arrive on September 14 and depart on the 19th.
We are happy to announce that GAIA has raised enough funds to pay for the participants’ lodging and food for the duration of the GGM. Participants are kindly requested to take care of their travel needs to
A limited number of travel scholarship is available for participants from organizations in need. The GAIA Steering Committee and the Coordination Team (the GAIA staff) will screen and approve applications for travel assistance. We have set 31 July 2007 as the first round of evaluation for scholarship applications. We might consider another round of evaluation subject to the availability of funds.
We do hope to see you in Hondarribia! Eskerrik asko! Muchas gracias! Thank you very much! Manny C. Calonzo and Monica Wilson Co-Coordinators Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives / Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance Waste Not Asia